Wednesday, December 21, 2011

‎'The Happy Marriage Mantra' eBook is now available on

You can now read the book on your mobile Phone, Tablet or PC/Mac. If you have a Kindle device, you can buy it from the device and start reading it immediately. To read it on your Phone, Tablet or Desktop PC, go to and download the free Kindle Reading App for your device.

Please post your reviews for the book on to inform other readers about your opinion. (

The Happy Marriage Mantra
Your wedding date is fixed and you are in the seventh heaven. Your happiness and excitement know no bounds. What better than spending the rest of your life with your soul mate? Time to start preparing for the big day and make it picture perfect. You get busy color coordinating your dresses, decid...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stages of marriage:

Starry eyed stage: You don't know your partner but you love them

Teary eyed stage: You know them and you don't love them

Clear eyes stage: You know them and are beginning to accept them

Spark in the eyes stage: You know them and you love them

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Qualities of a Happy Marriage :) :)

  • Always put one another first.Your spouse and your marriage must always be your top priority --- before kids,before work,before anything else in the world.
  • Respect one another.
  • Be honest,be sincere,be committed.
  • Continue to go on dates with one another. Let romance not get killed as your marriage ages.
  • Make love often, and be intimate WITHOUT having sex often.
  • Never yell at each other,ever.
  • No friends of the opposite sex unless they are friends of both of you as a couple
  • Learn to deal with the money and the chores.Post Options
  • Forsake all others.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marriage is the greatest source of happiness or misery in our lives!

This book will help you create your marriage so it can survive the tough times and still remain fresh

and exciting.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Revised edition of 'The HAPPY MARRIAGE Mantra' launched.Pick your copy from the nearest book store.Work on your marriage,and make this world a better place:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting married is easy.Being happy in marriage is an achievement.Work on your marriage and see the magic unfold.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Too many couple believe that marriage is gonna be all music and sunshine all the time with very little effort need on their part,that love will see them thru.And just in case it doesn't work out the way they expected it too,they can always quit:(
But marriage is not for a reason or a season.It is meant to last a lifetime.And it requires hard work.
It is time we give marriage it's due.It is the single most important life event,please treat it as such!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I had invited my facebook friends to share their thoughts and experiences that make a marriage happy.Many of them said that one has to be a HAPPY PERSON to be happy in marriage.
So work on your happiness quotient and your self esteem.Be happy in your marriage and make this world a better place. Post Options

Friday, March 25, 2011

New edition of 'The HAPPY MARRIAGE Mantra" is going to be out shortly.Three chapters have been added.I bet you'd love it.
Wish you a fulfilling marriage !!!!